Author: J.K. Rowling
ISBN: 0-590-35342-X
Recommended Grade Level of Reader: 6th and Up
Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.
Media Type: Book
Copyright: 1997
Genre: Fantasy
Reader's Annotation: He knew he was not like the Dursleys, but he never expected that he would be this different. His newfound powers and magical history will take him far from the life he has known for so long.
Plot Summary: Harry Potter thinks he is a normal boy living with his awful aunt, uncle, and cousin until he is inundated with many mysterious letters. Although his uncle prevents him from reading the contents of the letters, the message finally makes its way to Harry Potter. An enormous, lively man delivers one of the letters which is an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The invitation and the giant, Hagrid, help to explain unusual feelings and flashbacks Harry had been experiencing. Unbeknownst to Harry, he has special powers and an incredible past. Harry gladly leaves his extended family and ventures to Hogwarts to begin a new chapter in his life. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone documents Harry's first year in wizard school and the first of his many new adventures.
Evaluation: (A+) J.K. Rowlings provides for a page turning read and a book one will not want to put down. The plot is full of suspense from beginning to end. Starting with the actions of Harry's aunt, uncle, and cousin, readers will want to find out what the family will do next. This pattern continues throughout the rest of the book with so many new and wonderful adventures for Harry that one can't help to become addicted. Additionally, Harry is a likeable character who is sincere and grateful. These qualities also add to the suspense of the storyline since readers root for Harry from the first page to the last.
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