Developer/Publisher: Ubisoft, Inc.
Video Game System: Play Station 3
Number of Players: 1
ISBN: 0-08888-34406-3
Rating: T
Suitable for Ages: Teenagers (Alcohol References, Tobacco References, Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence)
Media Type: Blu-Ray Disc
Copyright: 2008
Genre: Strategy
Reader's Annotation: Which country will come out on top after World War III?
Plot Summary: Based on a hypothetical World War III, a player must choose a country and battle in order to become the next super power. Much like the board game War, Endwar requires strategy in order to claim world domination. Three countries, United States, Russia, and Europe compete for this title. Not surprisingly, the objective is to win the war and eliminate the two other countries.
Evaluation: (B) Endwar is unique since it is voice enabled. While a player can control his or her troops with the traditional controller, the game allows for voice commands. The voice command is crucial since it helps a player to quickly order troops into action as opposed to searching through a list of control commands and selecting the right function. The voice command elevates this strategy game into an exciting, adrenaline filled adventure.
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